Friday, November 26, 2010

~26weeks~ Midwife check up 2day

Midwife check up 2day
~26th Nov 2010~

My bp is fine :)
Belly is measuring @ 29cm and im only 26weeks. So 3weeks ahead. Im either big couse i have anterior placenta or babys BIG.
In saying that..... baby is sitting sooo far back.
Took MW 4 ever 2 get a perfect hearing of babies heart beating as baby is sooo far back.
It's amazing how a MW can tell the diffrence beating sounds in your tum... (placenta, cord and babies heart)
Babies heart rate is 130bpm :D
Heads down.
BUT babies back is laying right on MY back . NO wonder i have had so much back pain this week and i felt like my bits were going 2 fall off last night :?
So we need 2 get this babe it turn around. MW has told me a few treats.
*Plz baby, plz turn soon*

I signed my form 4 the Vit K givin 2 babe @ birth as YES
But the Hib B as a NO....

Im on 3week check-ups now
Next check up 17th Dec

Codys on school holidays then so he can come 2 now. He will enjoy that :D

Thursday, October 21, 2010

20weeks ~ Scan~

I had my 20weeker scan on Monday *18th Oct*
DH and oldest son came with.
Baby is measuring On MY dates :)
and was very active.
WE DIDN'T find out baby gender

Not very easy trying 2 take photo of scan this time... but there ok

Heart rate of 145bpm
Baby is 339grams @ 20weeks

~Baby feet~

~Baby Face and belly~

~Baby Hands & a good fist shot~

~Baby's profile shot x2. One u can see baby's got neck arched back~

20weeks --- Wooo Hoooo ---- halfway 2 a new baby

I have been a bit slack here.
But life's so busy and crazy in my house hold 24/7
I'm 20weeks now.
Feeling lots of little movements everyday and a few really big movements now.
Tummy is nice and round and all out the front.

4 some reason i was hit with M/S on Monday and 2day.... Y @ 20weeks after 5weeks of been fine... i don't understand.
Kids Asked y i was sick this morning. So i had 2 give them the chat about preg hormones and morning sickness.

Finally got a bassinet 4 babe on the weekend.
And new car seat 4 babe a few weeks back.
I think those r the only big thing we need.

No real cravings as yet.

Enjoying the 2nd trimester.
Love not been so sleepy in the afternoons.

Now we need 2 start the name game hunt....
Will share a list when we have one.

OK so now 2 catch us up on my belly photo

~16weeks +4days~

~18weeks + 1day~


Thursday, September 16, 2010


Things r really moving along now.
sickness and feeling sick is no MORE
Had my booking in appointments @ the hosp the other day *6th Sept*. All went good. Only downer is Dr's wants 2 use my 1st scan dating as my EDD which is 14th March 2011
My LMP gives me a EDD of 5th March.... so I'm sticking 2 the 5th March. After all baby will come when s/he is ready anyhow.

Really starting 2 feel very preg now, Belly's growing. Cleaning house takes that little bit longer now. And O My can i eat. I'm not normally much of a eater... but NOW i sure am.

School holidays start here in brissy as of tomorrow afternoon.
So 2weeks of having my big boy home. Lets cross our fingers and HOPE 4 some days of sleep in. I'm really loving my sleep right now.

Will leave u with a 15weeks belly photo now

Saturday, September 4, 2010

more on ~14weeks~

One last shot. Profile shot
And dont look in 2 all the things around and THINGS.
Ones 2 high and thats the cord. One is legs in the back ground

Belly shot from last week

Scan's and update ~14weeks~

I had my NT scan on thursday ~2nd Sept 2010~. All is well and baby has no risk. Didnt think it would. More so wanted the scan 2 see baby again.
I took my 2 littleys (Levi & Arnika) with me and my mum. Levi was soooo takin by seeing the baby on the screen. I think it's helped him feel this baby is that more bit REAL 4 him. He is totaly in love.
Baby was twisting and moving around like crazy during my scan. Hands going everywhere.
We got some amazing shots.
Babys heart beat rate is 165bpm
Now 4 piccy

Heart rate

This is one my my fav shots.
just baby HAND.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


These photos were takin only sec after each other but my belly looks sooo different in each shot. Light and Angle has alot 2 do with it i think.

Pregnancy seems 2 be going good.
Have only had m/s 3times seen it started a few weeks back. Which is super good 4 me. Scary in fact. I was soooo sick with both the boys pregnancy. And just @ the start a little less with my girl.
Im sure i can feel movement in my belly now. Like real jolts inside. :)

NT scan in 10days time now. Cant wait 2 see our little baby in screen again.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

11 weeks

Well here is my 1st belly piccy 4 this pregnacy
Im starting 2 feel a little better.
Need 2 eat all the time.
And my belly is getting nice and round now

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Im sooo over feeling sooo tired all the time.
Had a dating scan 3weeks go.
got 2 see babys heart beating and a tiny fetal pole growing

Babys heart rate was 97bpm

Ive learnt 2 deal with the sickness feeling now
M/S has hit me once now so far and that was yesterday when my girl Arnika was also throwing up.

I was feeling around my belly the other night and i swear i could make out where my baby was sitting @ that time.

My belly sure is starting 2 pop out now. And im still not telling anyone till we hit 12weeks. Getting hard 2 hide my pregnancy now. Not long and we can let the whole world know.

Had a Dr's check up yesterday also.
my Bp was fine and she said im doing well.
Gave me a ref 2 get a NT scan done and bloods done.
All booked in 4 the 2nd Sept. So i will be around 13weeks then.

Ive now been a NON-Smoker for 4weeks now.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Im pregnant

We r going 2 have another baby !!!!!!!
Took a HPT 1st July 2010, big +
Had blood test 5th July.
Still haven't been back 2 Dr's 4 the results.
Antenatal forms sent 2 one hospital already as of my miscarried last year.

I'm due 5th March 2011

Making me 6weeks + 1day 2day

Morning sickness is coming. Felt icky around 1sh Friday and i sat on the loo floor 4 20Min's
Same thing happened 2 my 2day (Sunday) worsens this time, and was sooo close 2 chucking.
Made me clean the toilet so it sparkled this afternoon