Saturday, July 31, 2010


Im sooo over feeling sooo tired all the time.
Had a dating scan 3weeks go.
got 2 see babys heart beating and a tiny fetal pole growing

Babys heart rate was 97bpm

Ive learnt 2 deal with the sickness feeling now
M/S has hit me once now so far and that was yesterday when my girl Arnika was also throwing up.

I was feeling around my belly the other night and i swear i could make out where my baby was sitting @ that time.

My belly sure is starting 2 pop out now. And im still not telling anyone till we hit 12weeks. Getting hard 2 hide my pregnancy now. Not long and we can let the whole world know.

Had a Dr's check up yesterday also.
my Bp was fine and she said im doing well.
Gave me a ref 2 get a NT scan done and bloods done.
All booked in 4 the 2nd Sept. So i will be around 13weeks then.

Ive now been a NON-Smoker for 4weeks now.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Im pregnant

We r going 2 have another baby !!!!!!!
Took a HPT 1st July 2010, big +
Had blood test 5th July.
Still haven't been back 2 Dr's 4 the results.
Antenatal forms sent 2 one hospital already as of my miscarried last year.

I'm due 5th March 2011

Making me 6weeks + 1day 2day

Morning sickness is coming. Felt icky around 1sh Friday and i sat on the loo floor 4 20Min's
Same thing happened 2 my 2day (Sunday) worsens this time, and was sooo close 2 chucking.
Made me clean the toilet so it sparkled this afternoon